Saturday, October 25, 2008

We have seen that when two houses get related through a planet they produce results in the period of that planet. Each house has a very large array of significations. Which of the two significations will appear together when the two houses combine has to be determined otherwise the prediction will be just an uninformed guess.


Unknown said...

What is the combination that might lead to a person to undergo surgery?
I am sure Mars is involved.

astroblog said...

Yes Mr Srini, Mars is the significator (karaka) for injury, surgery, accidents etc. The VI house from the ascendant is the house for these. According to Parashar the VI house from natal Mars should also be examined. So, we have three elements: (i)The karaka, (ii) the house from the ascendant, and (iii) the house from the natal karaka. When a planet is related to these three it would create conditions relating to that particular aspect of life in its major-period. Here, when a planet is related to Mars and the two houses it would be capable of causing an injury or inflict a surgery in its major-period.
Now the question remains on whom? Will it cause surgery on the individual? Not always.
The physical body of the individual is represented by the Sun, the house where the Sun is placed and the ascendant. When a planet that is inclined to cause surgery is also related to these three elements for physical body, it would cause surgery on the physical body of the individual. If it is related to Jupiter, the fifth house from the ascendant and the fifth house from Jupiter, the surgery would be performed on the body of the child of the individual.
Each astrological event has to be broken up into its constituent parts and analysed in this manner...mathur_dinesh

Unknown said...

Thanks Dineshji