Thursday, October 23, 2008

How does a house produce results in a major-period? It can do so only through its relationship with another house. If the tenth house is related to the twelfth there could be a loss of job. How can the two houses get related? The houses are inert entities. They can relate to each other only through a planet. Suppose a chart has Cancer in the ascendant. The tenth house will have Aries and twelfth Gemini. If Mercury is placed in Aries the two houses will get related, if Mars is placed in Gemini, the two houses will again be related. In the major-period of Mars or in that of Mercury the individual will lose his job. There are more to these matters, we will get to them by and bye.

1 comment:

astroblog said...

I have come back after a long time. So let us not waste time and talk of some imporatnt aspect, say the karakas.
What are the karakas? These are nine planets. Each planet is by nature inclined to produce events relating to some aspects of human life. To take a few examples, the Sun is the karaka for father, status, heart, abdomen, fire etc. The Moon is the karaka for mother, water, home, mind, chest, female genitalia etc. Mars represents younger siblings, disputes, litigation, accidents, injury, surgery, immovable property, etc. Mercury should be examined for education, speech, writing, communication, mother's younger siblings, etc. Jupiter stands for wealth, children,scholarship, elder siblings, husband, finance, etc. Venus is the karaka for wife, women, sex, vehicles, luxury, kidneys, etc. Saturn is the karaka for disease, obstacles, debts, danger, profession, loss, delay, etc. Rahu should be studied for journeys abroad, diplomacy, riots, fraud, incarceration etc; and, Ketu for spiritualism, black magic, moksha, etc.
If a karaka is strong and is not afflicted by adverse planets in a chart, it would persuade us to believe that matters relating to the karaka would show a healthy existence. But we notice that this is not entirely true in life. An individual is wealthy but he has no children; a man has a luxurious car but he has a perpetually ailing wife; a man goes abroad and gets jailed there. Such illustrations can be quoted without end. So there have to be some more elements to be considered.
Therefore, we must also see if the concerned house is also similarly well placed. Suppose Venus is healthy in the chart and the fifth house is also strong and unafflicted, the individual is expected to be happy in his romantic affiliations.
A karaka cannot be read in isolation. If you are looking for the status of the individual in a chart, besides the Sun, you have to examine the tenth house from the ascendant; if for his home, then the fourth house with the Moon; if for his younger siblings, then Mars and the third house; if for his education, the fourth house and Mercury; if for his wealth, Jupiter and the second house; if for his wife, Venus and the seventh house; if for his profession, the tenth house and Saturn; if for his loss of liberty, Rahu and the twelfth house; and if for his spiritual status, Ketu and the twelfth house. When the house and the karaka are strong and they do not bear adverse influence, that aspect of life of the individual will flourish and he will be a happy man in that regard. If Jupiter and the fifth house are good, the individual will have good children and he will be happy with them.
An event can happen in the period of a planet only when the planet is a karaka for that event, or it is related to the right karaka. If the mother of the individual is going to pass away, the period planets, ie, the major, sub and inter-period planets should each one of them be related to the Moon (event relating to mother) and Saturn (loss through death). Suppose the major-period of Jupiter, the sub of Mars and the inter of Venus was current when the mother died. Then Jupiter, Mars and Venus will be seen to be related to the Moon and Saturn in the birth chart. The question is should each of these planets also be related to the fourth house from the ascendant. The major-period planet has to be related to the fourth house from the ascendant; the sub-period planet should be related to the fourth house from the place occupied by the sub-period planet; and, the inter-period planet should be related to the fourth house from the sub-period planet.
The question of relationship between planets and houses therefore assumes considerable importance. We will discuss it in the next blog.