It appears that transits do not apply evenly to individuals having the same rashi. For example, Virgo rashi is undergoing seven and a half years of adverse Saturn transit. Some people of this rashi are experiencing the effects of transit of Saturn severely, some other appear to have escaped the wrath of Saturn altogether.
I shall be happy have comments on it from friends.
I cross check transit effects with ashtakavarga scores - both sarvastakavarga (SAV) and binnashtakavargas (BAV). When SAV in the transit rasi is low (average being 28, and as per my observations scores as low as 23 or less give more suffering). BAV of 3 and less give suffering in specific karakatwas. Lattas to nakshatras also seem to give effects pronouncedly.
I quite agree but my experience with ashtakavarga has not been very satisfactory. Have you, Mr Ganesan tried latta? I will be very happy to have your experience in this regard.
The following native (born on 12th July 1933, 4:55 AM, Salem, Tamilnadu, India) expired last Saturday (5th Nov 2011, 8:30 hrs).Surya was giving latta on his janma nakshatra and Moon the dasanatha and 2nd lord was giving latta on the naidhana death nakshatra in transit. Surya was on the arudhapada of the 8th house.Saturn was transiting 8th from the Moon in rasi.
It was not prolonged illness. It was unexpected, may be some disconfort since Sun changed nakshatra.
Latta seems to kick-in irrespective of auspicious/inauspicious star for the native. Would you have some comments on this ?
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