The eighth house from the ascendant is the house of death, occult and the supra-mundane worlds. The fourth house is the house of the mind. When the two are related the mind of the individual is able to take cognizance of and interact with the phenomenon of the eighth house. Ketu is the planet governing these matters. Hence the eighth house from Ketu also represents these matters. The Moon is the planet signifying the mind. Therefore the fourth house from the Moon will also stand for the mind. When the two houses relate the mind is able to identify, distinguish, recognize and interact with the other worlds and their denizens.
Some people have psychic ability and they make use of these abilities to earn their livelihood. These are the professional psychics. Such persons have their tenth house closely related to the eighth.
Saturn is the planet that governs profession. The tenth house from Saturn will also therefore show profession. The tenth house from Saturn therefore should be related to the eighth house from Ketu in such charts. The chart included in this post is one of a psychic who had taken it up as a profession. The individual was born on March 4, 1934 at 0318 hours at Saint Paul,MN,USA, 44n36,93w06, time zone 06 hours west of Greenwich.
Jupiter and the Moon are together in the tenth house. Jupiter is the owner of the fourth house and the Moon of the eighth. This shows a professional psychic.
Jupiter projects a very close aspect on Saturn. Jupiter owns the fourth house from the Moon. The eighth house from Ketu is in Aquarius. The tenth house from Saturn is in Libra. Venus and Saturn are together under aspect of Jupiter confirming the fact.
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