We now study a new method of transit analysis. This is a very effective method.
The transit of the major-period planet gives results very clearly. With a little practice results can be deduced with comparative ease. The effect of transit is dependent on the following factors:
(i) The contact of the transiting major-period planet with a karaka. This contact can either be with the natal karaka or it can be with that very karaka in transit.
(ii) The major-period planet in transit brings about a contact between two houses taken from the ascendant. The karaka mentioned above has to be relevant to the contact between the houses. Suppose there is a contact established between the first and the ninth houses. This gives rise to the possibility of a journey abroad, but the karaka for such a journey, Rahu, must at the same time be in contact with the major-period planet. If there is no such contact between the two planets, or if the major-period planet contacts some other planet and not Rahu, then journey abroad will not materialize.
Let us consider a live chart to clarify this concept. This is the chart of a male individual who was born on 10 August 1960 at 0810 hours at Rajpura (30ON29’, 76OE36’) in Punjab, India. The time differential between Indian Standard Time and GMT is 0530 hours East.
The ascendant is at 23O50’ in Leo. Sun (Cancer), Moon (Pisces), Mars (Taurus), Mercury (Cancer), Jupiter (Sagittarius), Venus (Leo), Saturn (Sagittarius), Rahu (Leo).
The individual met with a vehicular accident on 18 December 2008. He was in the major-period of Venus.
Venus was in Capricorn in transit on the date of accident associated with Jupiter and Rahu. Its dispositor was in Leo in the ascendant. Thus a contact is established between the sixth house (accident) and the ascendant that signifies the physical body of the individual. Natal Mars is in sambandha with natal Venus. Saturn is passing over this Venus. Hence Mars the karaka for accident is involved in this affair. We can go into more and finer details but limiting ourselves to the barest minimum the event is still clearly discernible.
1 comment:
Sir, In this example, the karaka for accident is not involved by way of transit that you have mentioned as a prerequisite in you other blogs on transits. From the natal position of MD lord Venus, too Mars is YK in Kendra. What about the involvment of Jupiter? Is it not a saving grace?
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